Gouache on paper
16 x 12 in.
To the right he's a populist hero, Uncle Sam, who is going to "make America great again". The left sees something far more sinister, a fascist demagogue who is going to marginalize women, Latinos, immigrants, and alienate our allies. How low can America go?

Gouache on paper
16 x 12 in.
To the left she's Wonder Woman who is going to blaze a new trail for women everywhere. To the right she's the wicked witch, corrupt and not to be trusted. What are they so afraid of?

Gouache on paper
16 x 12 inches

Gouache on paper
16 x 12 inches
He thinks he is speaking for God and the medical community. He also has a secret. Doesn't he look a LOT like Mike Pence?

Gouache on paper
16 x 12 inches

Gouache on paper
16 x 12 inches
Her wardrobe options are limited.

Gouache on paper
16 x 12 inches
The jig is up, Rachel. You're as white as they come.

Gouache on paper
16 x 12 inches
Kaci Hickox was the ebola nurse Chris Christie forced into quarantine even though she was asymptomatic.

Gouache on paper
16 x 12 in.
To the right he's a populist hero, Uncle Sam, who is going to "make America great again". The left sees something far more sinister, a fascist demagogue who is going to marginalize women, Latinos, immigrants, and alienate our allies. How low can America go?
Gouache on paper
16 x 12 in.
To the left she's Wonder Woman who is going to blaze a new trail for women everywhere. To the right she's the wicked witch, corrupt and not to be trusted. What are they so afraid of?
Gouache on paper
16 x 12 inches
Gouache on paper
16 x 12 inches
He thinks he is speaking for God and the medical community. He also has a secret. Doesn't he look a LOT like Mike Pence?
Gouache on paper
16 x 12 inches
Gouache on paper
16 x 12 inches
Her wardrobe options are limited.
Gouache on paper
16 x 12 inches
The jig is up, Rachel. You're as white as they come.
Gouache on paper
16 x 12 inches
Kaci Hickox was the ebola nurse Chris Christie forced into quarantine even though she was asymptomatic.